Activate the integration
Note: You will need to be an Admin for your firm’s TaxStatus and Holistiplan accounts.
Start by being signed into TaxStatus
- 1. Navigate to Settings > Company settings in the upper right of your screen
- 2. Scroll down to Integrations and toggle the Status of the Holistiplan integration to ‘on’
- 3. Copy the Firm API Key

Now, sign into Holistiplan
- 1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations
- 2. Locate the TaxStatus integration
- 3. Paste the Firm API Key into the TaxStatus Company ID field.
- 4. Click Enable TaxStatus Integration

Link the clients you want to sync with Holistiplan
The goal of this step is to save the TaxStatus Client IDs into the Holistiplan profiles of any clients you wish to pull transcripts for. Upon completion, tax return transcripts will be available for use within Holistiplan.
Within TaxStatus, look up your client and navigate to their Transcripts page. Locate the Client ID on the right side of the page and copy it.
Next, within Holistiplan, navigate to the Household screen:
- 1. Click the Edit button for the client
- 2. Enter the ID in the Tax Status Reference ID field
- 3. Click Save Changes

Holistiplan has a help article on this same topic
Holistiplan Support